08.15Hrs.But,what? ... but Oneness is perhaps the single most important quality of Allah..(well apart from Mercy and Compassion ..Al Rahman Al Rahim..I mean,who am I to judge? astaghfiru'llah.) in that ,when asked about Allah,what was He like?The answer that was revealed ,(after sixteen days ..a humbling experience for the Prophet saws ... we are told, because he said,"I'll tell you tomorrow.",without saying"Insha'llah" or "God willing."...) ..was the short sura "Qul Hu Allahu Ahad" ..or,"Say,He is One."Say He is One.... Can you imagine it ?!..Put yourself in the position of a true believer in the Prophet SAWS,someone who believes that the Koran is the last revealed word from God Almighty Himself,Allah. and that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him and all his family and friends.) is that one who is worthy for that word to be revealed through him..pure enough and sincere enough and strong enough and true enough and humble enough ...(Icould go on)..and ... when asked what Allah is like ... the word comes from Allah The One True God,Creator of all the universes seen and unseen,of man and djinn ...the answer comes,and begins with (Bismi'llah arRahman arRahim)..."Qul Hu Allahu Ahad,"..."Say He is Allah One,"....
Yes ..try to understand that sense of faith of a true believer,and then think about that.The first thing that Allah says about Himself, in order to try to help us understand what He is like,is that He is One.
More of this later probably...(insha'llah!) .... but I
do think it is the key to where the human race is going..that recognition of oneness is spreading, and
has to spread throughout man's consciousness from Mysticism to Physics.Two places apparently poles apart...which can't help but begin to recognise each other, as the Truly Spiritual turns out to be the same as the Truly Physical ...(all paths lead to God.)